Volunteer to Rescue Earth
Rescue Earth System
The Rescue Earth System is a holistic suite of diverse regenerative solutions that can be applied to all levels of society, economy and the environment.
Volunteer to Rescue Earth
We must rise and face the environmental challenges of our time by reversing the economic, physical and social decline of places. This can be achieved by the practice of regenerative restoration of degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems and habitats in the environment by active human intervention and action.

Working with a group is a fun way to make a difference. And, even composting projects have a diverse range of volunteering opportunities — you don’t have to dig in the muck if you don’t want to!
Volunteer to Rescue Earth
Across the globe, centuries of unsustainable activities have damaged the aquatic, marine, and terrestrial environments that underpin our economies and societies and give rise to a diversity of wildlife and plants. The Rescue Earth System is dedicated to reversing this degradation and restoring the earth’s ecological balance for the benefit of humans and nature.
Millions of interconnected species (including us) depend on Earth. We must rise and face the environmental challenges of our time by reversing the economic, physical and social decline of places. This can be achieved by the practice of regenerative restoration of degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems and habitats in the environment by active human intervention and action.
Most volunteering takes place online or within communities. Online projects are numerous and include various administration obligations, building ads 4 a cause, building the RRSI Courses, etc; Pet projects include the sterilisation of dogs and cats; community projects include food kitchens, infrastructure development, litter cleanups, etc. Projects include just about anything that fits into solving the world’s problems.
For example: By volunteering to a regenerative restoration project of their choice, volunteers will be joining a movement of people who are committed to restoring a piece of the planet from a degraded landscape to a functioning ecosystem with insects, birds, mammals, fish, and food. Activities include tasks such as tree planting, composting, seed collecting, earthworks, etc.
“You tell me and I forget. You teach me and I remember. You involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin

Regenerative restoration of degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems and habitats in the environment by active human intervention and action to revive ecological functioning.
Wildlife Protection and Restoration
Volunteer RRSI students make up an integral part of the wildlife protection and habitat restoration projects. Volunteers have the opportunity to work alongside leading scientists to combat some of the planet’s most pressing environmental issues in every habitat imaginable.
For example: Volunteers in conservation research projects can experience hands-on science and work directly with ecologists, wildlife researchers and wildlife monitors in the field. Volunteers can use this experience as a springboard to follow their dreams of starting a career in wildlife conservation or use the ‘shared’ data for a Masters or PhD degree.
Although anti-poaching projects are an adrenaline junkies dream come true they are an integral part of protecting nature from exploitation. Flying reconnaissance drones is a very safe yet exciting foray into this ecological war-zone.
UAVs, equipped with coaxial daytime and infrared cameras, transmit live footage to a control and command vehicle on the ground, allowing staff to monitor at-risk wildlife from a safe distance and report suspicious activity to park rangers, who can then move in and arrest the poachers.
Growing food using the Regeneratively Optimised Farming System is a core initiative — Beyond Organic Food
Join Rescue Earth System as a volunteer in South Africa at:
Rescue Earth Sustainability Credit Exchange