Key Strategic Focus Areas

Rescue Earth System

The key strategic focus areas of the Rescue Earth System are the Carbon Cycle, the Water Cycle, Reforestation, Bioremediation, People & Planet, Ecosystem Restoration and Earth Consciousness.

Key Strategic Focus Areas

Focus areas are the foundation stones of our strategy

We intend to focus on these seven key areas to create a sound plan for executing a long-term meta organisation strategy. Although the Rescue Earth System has many initiatives, it does not have any projects of its own. It is a meta organisation of many independent organisations that do have projects.

We need to collaborate globally, regionally, and locally at an unprecedented scale to create “elegant solutions carefully adapted the the uniqueness of place” (John Todd). To do so, we need to do more than just learn from nature, we need to design as nature, and that means changing the human impact on Earth from being predominantly degenerative to being regenerative.

The 7 Key Strategic Focus Areas

When viewed through the lens of society, the Rescue Earth System is a global “call to action” to join the volunteer corps and to Rescue Earth from ecosystem collapse.

The Rescue Earth System will focus on seven key areas to create a sound plan for integrating the objectives of many organisations into a coherent collective strategy so that we can successfully execute a long-term meta organisation strategy. 

Soil Carbon Sequestration & Storage

The world’s soils hold a significant amount of carbon – more than double the amount in the atmosphere. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent report finds that storing, or “sequestering,” carbon will be essential in lowering atmospheric carbon levels. Agriculture, forestry and other land use practices that store carbon in the ground offer an opportunity to mitigate climate change. Healthy soils with more organic matter can store carbon while providing agricultural and environmental benefits. Read more …

Reforestation & 1 Trillion Tree Initiative

Other than regenerative agriculture and holistic grazing, healthy and growing forests remain one of the best ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One trillion trees would be able to sequestrate approximately 750 billion metric metric tons. Planting a trillion trees seems like an impossible task yet it is one of the easiest ways to start the regenerative restoration process in many of Earth’s degraded ecosystems. Even though restoring forest land is at the core of the trillion tree initiative, there are many ways to use trees that benefit natural ecosystems, food production and communities. Read more …

Small Water Cycle Restoration

Developing the knowledge and practical experience required to advance regenerative land and water management techniques, including but not limited to permaculture techniques for soil hydration and natural sequence farming, and rural landscape management techniques aimed at restoring natural water cycles that allow the land to flourish despite drought conditions. Read more …


Bioremediation is a process used to treat contaminated media, including water, soil and subsurface material, by altering environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms to reduce pollution through the biological degradation of pollutants into non-toxic substances. In many cases, bioremediation is less expensive and more sustainable than other remediation alternatives. Biological treatment is a similar approach used to treat wastes including wastewater, industrial waste and solid waste. Read more …

Ecosystem Restoration

Many of the world’s ecosystems have undergone significant degradation with negative impacts on biological diversity and peoples’ livelihoods. There is a growing realization that we will not be able to conserve the earth’s biological diversity through the protection of critical areas alone. When applicable, Ecosystem Restoration should be an important component of conservation and sustainable development programmes so that the livelihoods of people depending on these degraded ecosystems can be sustained.

Valuing Ecosystem Function higher than material things is the paradigm shift that determines whether we understand the meaning of our lives and survive or whether we remain ignorant and selfish and destroy our own habitat trying to gain more wealth or more power. If we reach this level of understanding, not only can everyone live on the Earth but the natural systems on Earth can reach their optimal ability to sustain life. — John D. Liu (2016). Read more …

People and the Planet

Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution. Read more …

Earth Consciousness

To grow in Earth Consciousness we need to deepen our connection to Earth. We can achieve this by changing our habits and activating solutions, we can regenerate the planet; by changing our hearts and spreading compassion, we can heal the world. We need to “remake ourselves” and “be the change”. There are many ways to express our gratitude — a prayer from the heart before a meal, helping a stranger, cleaning up litter, planting trees, conserving water, walking instead of driving, etc. By exchanging our energy in some way, we show gratitude and honour Earth for life itself. Read more …