if many people are working at the individual and community scales, the knock-on effect of our collective actions will trigger a cascade of system changes that will inevitably lead to meaningful societal transformation. Your one hour a day will be most productive if you join like-minded groups (preferably online during the Covid-19 Pandemic) and log your volunteer time. It will also keep you focused and motivated.
The best way to help Rescue Earth is to start making changes at home and in your community — beginning with changes that will improve your health and lifestyle! It makes sense to focus on the smaller scales where we are most effective.

A #onehouraday4earth project could be as simple as planting vegetables in your yard using regenerative farming principles that sequestrate CO2 from the atmosphere and produce nutrient dense vegetables — and you can share your surplus veggies with others.

Another good example is spending time to analyse and reduce your consumption footprint; and then setting up a waste recycling system that separates your organic waste for onsite composting via a bokashi bucket (EM anaerobic composting system) or thermophilic compost pile.

You can join a group of change makers or start a project of your own. In order to develop a large group of knowledgeable leaders, the Rescue Earth System is designing a comprehensive online community resilience course based on MOOC software.

Many causes have existing projects that have regular volunteer work days. This is a great way for those new to the volunteer world to get involved.

For those interested in developing beautiful community gardens — some of which are permascapes — the permaculture volunteer days — permablitz days — are a great way to learn permaculture design.