Carbon & Climate Initiatives

Rescue Earth System

Reducing Green House Gases (GHG)s in the atmosphere is essential to any climate strategy to saving Earth from ecosystem collapse.

Carbon & Climate Initiatives

Long-term Carbon Sequestration & Climate Action

Reducing Green House Gases (GHG)s in the atmosphere is essential to any climate strategy to Rescue Earth.

Well hydrated Keyline Silvopastures have the ability to draw down massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere.

Carbon & Climate Initiatives

The initiatives listed below are those that offer the best ability to cost effectively sequestrate GHGs, especially CO2, from the atmosphere and store it long-term with minimal risk of failure.

The chart above is from a study by The Nature Conservancy. The chart shows the greenhouse gas removal potential of various soil-based natural climate solutions. The figures are shown in billion tonnes of CO2e per year.